Soovitused kuvatakse pärast otsingu sisestamist. Sirvimiseks kasuta üles- ja allanoolt. Valimiseks vajuta sisestusklahvi („Enter“). Kui valisid fraasi, otsime seda. Kui valisid soovitustest lingi, avab brauser selle lehe.
Üksikasjalikud juhtnöörid
Elamuse korraldaja

Elamuse tühistamine korraldajana

Although cancellations by Hosts are rare, and some cancellations are beyond a Host’s control, cancellations by Hosts can disrupt guest plans and undermine confidence in our community.

If one of your Experiences has to be canceled and it’s not because of Weather or Emergencies or safety issues, we may impose a cancellation fee.

Oma elamuse broneeringu tühistamine korraldajana

Oma elamuse broneeringu tühistamine korraldajana arvutis

  1. Klõpsa nupul „Elamuste töölaud“ > „Kalender“
  2. Klõpsa kuupäeval kalendris
  3. Leia aeg, mille soovid tühistada ja klõpsa selle avamiseks elamuse kaardil
  4. Klõpsa nupul „Tühista elamus“
  5. Vali põhjus, mis kirjeldab kõige paremini tühistamise asjaolu, ja klõpsa nupul „Edasi“
  6. Vaata üle „Elamuse korraldaja tühistamise tingimused“ ja klõpsa nupul „Edasi“
  7. Lisa oma külalistele sõnum ja klõpsa nupul „Tühista see elamus“

What cancellation fees apply

Fees may apply if you cancel an Experience that’s already been booked by a guest.

We may charge a fee of up to 20% of the booking value of the canceled Experience, which we’ll deduct from an upcoming payout. We’ll notify you if a fee will be charged before you complete a cancellation.

Frequent cancellations, or no-shows, are a violation of our Terms of Service and may result in removal of your Experience from Airbnb.

If you need to cancel your Experience because of weather

If your Experience takes place outdoors, you may cancel if weather conditions create an unsafe or uncomfortable environment for your guests. You won't be charged a cancellation fee. We may contact you for documentation to verify weather-related claims.

If you need to cancel your Experience because of an unexpected event

We understand that unexpected events happen. We will waive cancellation fees for cancellations covered under the Major Disruptive Events Policy, or for cancellations made for valid safety reasons.

What happens to guests when you cancel their Experience reservation

Your guests will receive a notification and a full refund.

If you rebook your guests for a different date or time after canceling

If you and your guests agree to an alternative date or time and they rebook your Experience, contact us to let us know after you cancel. We’ll verify that your guests have agreed, and we’ll remove any fees that were applied.

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