Soovitused kuvatakse pärast otsingu sisestamist. Sirvimiseks kasuta üles- ja allanoolt. Valimiseks vajuta sisestusklahvi („Enter“). Kui valisid fraasi, otsime seda. Kui valisid soovitustest lingi, avab brauser selle lehe.
Üksikasjalikud juhtnöörid

Tasude kogumine väljaspool Airbnb-d

For the most part, Hosts can’t collect any additional fees or charges outside our platform unless expressly authorized by us. Here are the exceptions.

Which Hosts can collect extra fees

Hotels and software-connected Hosts can charge and collect certain fees using a separate payment method⁠—as long as they’re detailed in the listing and included in the price breakdown before booking. Find info about regular service Airbnb fees.

Types of fees Hosts can collect

Here are the types of fees a Host might include:

  • Resort fee: This can cover the cost of amenities like pool, gym, or wifi
  • Security deposit: A refundable deposit that can be used to cover any damage that occurs during the stay
  • Cleaning fee: A one-time fee used to cover the cost of cleaning
  • Incidentals: This can include things like valet, parking, or airport shuttle fees.

Hosts usually collect these fees before a stay, at check-in, or within 48 hours after checkout.

Note: Pet fees will now be included in the up-front price for pet-friendly listings. Pet fees don’t apply to guests with Service animals. Read our service animals policy for more information.

Kas sellest artiklist oli abi?

Seotud artiklid

  • Külaline

    Kui majutaja küsib rohkem raha

    Kui broneerid Airbnb kaudu, on olemas kõik hinda puudutavad andmed. On mõned erandid.
  • Külaline


    Tagatisraha võivad nõuda kas Airbnb või majutajad. See võib põhineda majutuskoha omadustel ja/või broneeringu ajastusel.
  • Külaline

    Maksmine väljaspool Airbnb-d

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